Upcoming Publications:

Cultural Values and Environmental Justice Conlicts Ksenija Hanaček, Dalena Tran, Arielle Landau, Teresa Sanz, Joan Martinez-Alier, May Aye Thiri, Mariana Walter, Grettel Navas, Eleonora Fanari, Juan Liu

Extractive projects along the Polar Silk Road: Implications for environmental justice conflicts in the Arctic region. Ksenija Hanaček, Markus Kröger, Arielle Landau1, Joan Martinez-Alier.

Killing, in the name of business profit: environmental defenders, local elites, and transnational corporations in Central Americ Grettel Navas, Francisco Robles-Rivera, Ximena Alvarenga Fournier, Arielle Landau


An Environmental Justice Analysis of Protected Areas in Connecticut

Primary Author  
Nuclear Testing in Newe Segobia, Western Shoshone Lands, Nevada, US The United States tested nuclear weapons on the traditional homelands of the Western Shoshone from 1951 to 1992. Nuclear weapons testing is particularly destructive because of the resulting proliferation of nuclear fallout.
Fighting to Protect Miccosukee Tribal Rights in the Everglades, Florida, US Miccosukee tribal lands and sovereignty are threatened by water pollution. The Miccosukee Tribe relies on the integrity of the Everglades ecosystem to support their religion, culture and economic propserity.
Persistent contamination with PCBs in New Bedford Harbor, Massachusetts, The US Since 1979, fishing has been banned in New Bedford Harbor itself as a result of PCB contamination. The local community, and EJ community based on MA standards, has suffered negative health and socio-economic impacts.
Mobilizing against Environmental Injustices Post-Katrina: New Orleans East, Louisiana, US For over two decades, New Orleans East has been resisting environmental injustices, from an unlined landfill post-Katrina to gas power plants.
Permanent Poison: France’s Nuclear Testing Program in Reggane, and In Ekker, Algeria On February 13, 1960, France conducted its first nuclear test in Reggane, Algeria, called Gerboise Bleue. The test contaminated the Saharan desert with plutonium, as well as exposed French soldiers and the local Tuareg population to radioactive fallout.
Fortress Conservation, Poaching and Logging Threatens Mbendjele Communities, Republic of the Congo Mbendjele hunter-gatherers have inhabited the northern rainforest of Congo-Brazzaville since time immemorial, but now face threats from neoliberal forces such as fortress conservation and intense resource extraction.
Eviction of Kalahari Bushmen for Conservation and Mining Interests, Botswana The Kalahari Bushmen have been pushed out of their traditional territory of the Central Kalahari Game Reserve for diamond extraction and conservation interests. Those who return or try to practice traditional hunting are killed or tortured by eco-guards.
Major Contributor  
Oil and Gas Exploration in the Kavango region threatens San People and Endangered Wildlife, Botswana-Namibia Plans for oil exploration and drilling in the Kavango region of Namibia and Botwana by Canadian company ReconAfrica threaten Okavango Delta, endangered species and sacred land for the San people.
Vista Coal Mine expansion, Alberta, Canada After resistance from various EJOs and Indigenous nations in Canada, the Vista coal mine expansion was redesignated and became subject to a federal environmental assessment.
Hilco distribution facility replaces coal-fired generating station, Little Village, Chicago, US Former Crawford Generating Station turns into a Target retail distribution centre, polluting locate communities during the station’s demolition and causing future risk from diesel fumes.
Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation Pipeline Pollutes Groundwater of Baruwa community, Abesan state, Nigeria In 1996, the Baruwa community in Lagos, Nigeria, found that more than 180 wells had become contaminated by petroleum products. Now ¾ sectors of the Jakande estate are contaminated.
DBCP Poisoned Water Wells in Hawaii, US Pineapple’s toxic legacy in Hawaii. Water contamination because of the pesticide dibromochloropropane (DBCP).
Kepone Chemical disaster in Hopewell, Virginia, USA Despite Allied Chemical and LSP knowing that Kepone would likely have adverse health outcomes to workers exposed to it, they continued its production without proper safety measures
Highly polluting paper factories in Africatown, Alabama, US I know it’s a big money-maker, but what price do you put on a human life? Africatown, a mostly black, low-income community, is fighting past and future toxic pollution in Alabama.